The more we advance in our numerological journey, the more we need to unify increasing numbers of chart components. I’ve already covered number combinations in terms of pairs of numbers in a previous blog post. In this post I will be talking about Number Groups and how they reveal personality and structural themes, but also explain and unravel elements pertaining …
Number Combinations in Numerology
Of the many numerology books and websites out there, very few mention anything about number combinations. Perhaps the best book I also keep recommending of Matthew Goodwin, is the only one that wholeheartedly speaks about the topic. As a numerology expert, I find this truly mind-boggling, since if there is one element that is perhaps the most important in numerology, …
Becoming a Professional Numerologist
Many people are looking to shift careers or pursue ones that have genuine meaning and purpose. For this reason I’d like to talk about becoming a professional numerologist. For the most part, we work in jobs that neither fulfill us, nor generate any significant contribution for the upliftment of human consciousness and the maturation of people’s mind and heart. Numerology …
Numerology and Your Shadow
What is Your Shadow? We are all born with inherent potentials and abilities, only waiting to be discovered over time as we grow up and mature. But no potential comes without a flipside, a blockage of sorts, that is also part of you and works against your fulfillment. That is, until you learn to acknowledge it and work with it …
What if All Tomorrow’s End? Time to Wake Up!
The greatest illusion we have is the illusion of tomorrow. We avoid facing the amazing truth of our being and existence as long as we can. We are afraid to wake up. That’s at least what we were conditioned to as a collective. But the price is heavy. It costs us our happiness, sense of meaning and the deepest form …
2022 – Global Yearly Forecast
Another year has passed and what a crazy year it was! Most of the younger generations (50 years old and younger) have never lived in a time of world crisis and indeed as befits the 5 year we’ve been in, there was a lot of uncertainty. You can check out my yearly forecast of 2021 to read about that feeling …
The Spiritual Pleasure of Sharing
I will never forget the last words of Chris McCandless in the movie “Into the Wild” (a real story): ‘Happiness is only real when shared‘. These words touched me so deeply and struck a deep chord in the depth of my heart. At some point in my youth, the interest in spirituality was ignited. When I was 20 years old …
From Breakdown to Breakthrough
I want to talk to you about inner transformation. And more specifically about how messy this process can get, how challenging. Inner growth is very often a bumpy road, but for some of us it’s really bumpy (myself included). And it is for those of you who have real difficult rides that I dedicate this post. I want to explain …
Being a Mystery to Myself
The other day as I was inquiring into some past shadow of mine, again I was hit by the astonishing discovery that I’m a mystery to myself. I honestly think this is one of the most amazing discoveries on the spiritual path. It has this taste of something that is both much more real and alive and simultaneously so unknown …
The Life Path Number Explained In-Depth
It’s one thing to know your life path number and another thing to really know what it actually means! Many people can tell you their core number but without a proper understanding of what it actually tells you about yourself and what you should derive from it, it loses much of its strength. In this article I’ll attempt to focus …