The more we advance in our numerological journey, the more we need to unify increasing numbers of chart components. I’ve already covered number combinations in terms of pairs of numbers in a previous blog post. In this post I will be talking about Number Groups and how they reveal personality and structural themes, but also explain and unravel elements pertaining to our path and destiny.
Number Groups – Finding the Unifying Theme
Part of practicing more holistic and advanced numerology, is attempting to zoom out and capture the bigger picture of the numerology chart. The more we zoom out, the more we see many numbers working together to form a story, a real life depiction, with unique and particular dynamics and quirks. The job of a numerologist is to capture the essence not only of single numbers or even number pairs, but of Number Groups. Number Groups is a term referring to a group of numbers that share a mutual theme or themes. The more themes a group of numbers share, the more powerful and important it becomes in a person’s chart. When I look at the numerology charts of my clients, I always try to spot a theme that connects their core numbers.
Sometimes it’ll be three numbers coming together, sometimes four, and sometimes even all five core numbers will share a mutual theme! Once I find a clear unifying theme in a client’s chart, I will consider the numbers making this theme, a Number Group. And when I study it, I will understand something very fundamental about the person that isn’t visible by working with single numbers.
How to Find the Unifying Theme
When you approach Number Groups, just like with number combinations, you need to search for the common denominator that ties them together into a coherent theme. The more themes you will find, the stronger the influence of those number groups will be on the person’s life as a whole.
Let’s look at an example:
Say I see your 3 most important Core Numbers and they happen to be: 2, 4 and 6
If I’m not familiar with the concept of number combinations, I will only look at single numbers and interpret their meaning. Number 2 means you are a sensitive person, number 4 means you appreciate stability and hard work, number 6 means you are a family person and a giver. If I go a step deeper and look at number combinations, I may say: you have a 2-6 combo and that tells me you’re a highly emotional person, tending to focus on others, a natural giver, and relationships of all kinds are important to you. I may also say, your 4-6 combo tells me you are a very reliable and responsible individual, a natural provider and someone who knows how to create a home.
Now if I take it all the way, I’ll look at the Number Group 2, 4 and 6 and say: I see you love stability, groundedness and routine. You need to belong and take things in life in a measured way. You don’t tend to rebel against the rules but truly respect them. You need time to consider and think things through before you commit to something, but once you commit, you do it with all your heart. Can you see the difference in depth and detail when transitioning into number groups? It’s like a whole upgrade of the numerology reading.
Number Groups – How to Detect Them
So how do you detect number groups in your own or another’s numerology chart? Well, essentially you will need to study the basics of numerology well, and get to know each and every number – both light and shadow. One way to do that is via my Self-Study Numerology Course. But there are also some good books out there that can give you a good fundamental grasp of the numbers. If you want to know more about some of my favorite books – click here. Once you get a good grasp of the numbers, I suggest you deepen your knowledge of number combinations. That means, practicing finding the common denominator of pairs of numbers in your chart. I created an entire podcast episode that explains and demonstrates this part in more detail.
The next step is to look at number groups that are located in your 3 Core Numbers – Life Path, Expression and Soul Urge numbers. These numbers are the backbone of your entire numerology chart. When you examine these 3 numbers, try to see if they all share very clear themes, traits and qualities. It cannot be half-way. Shared qualities have to be clear and easily identifiable. Once you’ve managed to find such common themes, write them down and then try to elaborate as if you were speaking to a real person. Let us look at some real examples.
Defining the Common Theme(s)
Say your core numbers are: 1, 4 and 7
Now that I know the numbers really well and have already dabbled with number groups, I can see that all these numbers are more masculine and mindy, have a pretty stubborn will, tend to be more critical, are rather opinionated and are less emotionally open. I could mention more mutual themes, but for the sake of our example it’s more than enough. Since we have so many common denominators, we can clearly define these three as a number group.
Let’s try more number groups. This time: 1, 3 and 5
They are all freedom lovers and prefer their individuality over blending in. They are more focused on themselves than others, love self-expression and need to be in center stage. One more thing that they all share is that they have a very distinct youthful spirit. Again, we can see many common denominators and therefore have spotted another number group.
And here’s a last example of number groups: 3, 5 and 6
All of them are very open minded and receptive. They love art and creativity and have a natural tendency to be more social and having interaction with people. They are flexible in their ways and are easily loveable. Once again, we spotted enough common denominators to define this as a number group.
Final Words
In-depth Numerology necessitates that we develop the ability to unify the numerical components of our numerology chart. The more we learn how to do that, the more our readings will be cohesive, precise and real for the person in question. The ability to do so is what marks the difference between amateur numerologists and professional numerologists. And I believe there is no substitute to In-Depth Numerology Studies in that regard. So in your own practice, I highly suggest following the advice presented in this post: first study each number in detail, then move on to studying number combinations of pairs of numbers and only then proceed to work with number groups. This way you’ll build a very solid capacity to provide phenomenal numerology readings.
Check out my Numerology Podcast to learn more about Numerology.