Numerology Courses Library
with Tom Eckert
Here you can find all my available and upcoming online self-study numerology courses and programs. New courses are constantly being developed and produced in order to make this the number 1 in-depth numerology study resource online.
So make sure to pay a visit from time to time to discover newly released courses and deepen your skill and expertise in numerology.
Numerology Fundamentals Course:

This is the place to start. It’s a comprehensive course to master the basics and fundamentals of numerology and establish strong foundations in the method. It’s a must-have for anyone starting off their journey with numerology.
Number Combinations Course

Learn one the most important topics in numerology: how to create synergy between any pair of numbers. Study the art of building a complete analysis by putting the pieces of the puzzle together. *The ONLY course out there about this topic!
Upcoming: Predictive Numerology Fundamentals

Gain a solid grasp of Personal Years, Personal Months, the Age Number and more. Build your skill in predictive numerology, timing techniques and unveil the lessons and meaning of every period of your life.
Upcoming: Master Numbers - Unlocking Their True Secrets

Discover the profound, complex and rich reality of Master Numbers, oftentimes left hidden, obscured and flattened. Learn how to utilize their power and potential, discover their shadows and how to avoid them.