Edward Snowden – Numerology Analysis

Edward Snowden Edward Snowden is know for disclosing and revealings huge amounts of highly classified security information of the United States. Snowden is rather young and has revealed this information when he was 29 years old. Let us look into his numerological chart to get an insight into his character. An impulse to help and sacrifice for a bigger cause …

Thich Nhat Hanh – Numerology Analysis

Thich Nhat Hanh One of the great Zen Buddhist spiritual teachers and peace activists of our time. I would like to say a few words about this beautiful being. This brave enlightened monk, has seen the Vietnam war, was exiled from his own country of origin (Vietnam) at 1975 and during all that time and much before (and till this …

Collective shift in Consciousness – Numerological Perspective

Collective shift in Consciousness – a Numerological perspective Have you noticed the exponential growth in spiritual books and workshops in the last 15-20 years? Did you notice that Meditation and Yoga became extremely popular all over – even in huge corporations? And what about the fact of Complementary Medicine that is growing enormously in demand and availability? Major changes are …

Albert Einstein – Numerology Analysis

Albert Einstein The word “Einstein” has become a synonym with genius. A brilliant scientist who has changed the scientific paradigm big time. Let’s take a look at his numerological chart. To begin with we see the following numbers playing a major role in his chart: 24/6, 34/7, 27/9, 11/2, 22/4. All of these numbers share some things in common: They …