How Personal Years Can Help You

Personal Years

Timing techniques in numerology help us understand the lessons we are going through throughout the changing periods of our life. One of the most powerful of these techniques is the Personal Years. Knowing and working with your personal years can provide you with very powerful tools to capitalize on the opportunities that every year of your life brings. It also …

The Power of Odd Numbers

Odd Numbers

In my 1st stage numerology certification course I teach my students how to derive meaningful insights about the numbers without talking about the numbers. In this article I’ll be speaking about Odd Numbers. Generally speaking we can divide the numbers into two main groups: Even and Odd Numbers. The odd ones, represents a quality of indivisibility and therefore stand for …

The Role of The Soul in Numerology

The Soul

I think numerology is absolutely brilliant. Otherwise I wouldn’t become a numerology expert. It is accurate and can describe people to a T. And yet, there is a dimension about us that numerology cannot reach or describe, and that is The Soul. Some numerologists like to dish out statements like “old soul” and “young soul” left and right. And I …

Number 2 – Shamanic, Erotic and Magnetic

Number 2

Number 2 has gained itself a reputation of being oversensitive and excessively vulnerable. But in this article I will tell you about the amazing and unique strengths of this beautiful number. As you will soon see, strength doesn’t always come in the same packaging, and sometimes what may appear as gentleness and tenderness may very well prove to be an …

Predictive Numerology – How to Properly Use it

Predictive Numerology

In this article I’d like to explain how to properly approach predictive numerology. Namely, how to strike the right balance between fate and free will. And perhaps to explain what numerology can actually predict and what it can’t. Hopefully this will shed light and bring clarity to a topic that both interests and confuses many. The Main Techniques of Predictive …

Unpacking Your Story with Number Groups

Number Groups

The more we advance in our numerological journey, the more we need to unify increasing numbers of chart components. I’ve already covered number combinations in terms of pairs of numbers in a previous blog post. In this post I will be talking about Number Groups and how they reveal personality and structural themes, but also explain and unravel elements pertaining …

Number Combinations in Numerology

Number Combinations

Of the many numerology books and websites out there, very few mention anything about number combinations. Perhaps the best book I also keep recommending of Matthew Goodwin, is the only one that wholeheartedly speaks about the topic. As a numerology expert, I find this truly mind-boggling, since if there is one element that is perhaps the most important in numerology, …

Becoming a Professional Numerologist

professional numerologist

Many people are looking to shift careers or pursue ones that have genuine meaning and purpose. For this reason I’d like to talk about becoming a professional numerologist. For the most part, we work in jobs that neither fulfill us, nor generate any significant contribution for the upliftment of human consciousness and the maturation of people’s mind and heart. Numerology …

Numerology and Your Shadow

Your Shadow

What is Your Shadow? We are all born with inherent potentials and abilities, only waiting to be discovered over time as we grow up and mature. But no potential comes without a flipside, a blockage of sorts, that is also part of you and works against your fulfillment. That is, until you learn to acknowledge it and work with it …

What if All Tomorrow’s End? Time to Wake Up!

Wake up

The greatest illusion we have is the illusion of tomorrow. We avoid facing the amazing truth of our being and existence as long as we can. We are afraid to wake up. That’s at least what we were conditioned to as a collective. But the price is heavy. It costs us our happiness, sense of meaning and the deepest form …