Anyone dabbling with numerology or working with it professionally, will mention the topic of power when it comes to number 8. While it is not the only major topic this number is about, it certainly is a huge one. Now take a moment to think about the topic of power. It most probably brings up some ambivalent feelings, doesn’t it? That’s because throughout history, power has been used, abused, misused and confused. So how do people who embody a strong 8 in their core numbers deal with this topic? Let’s explore that.
The Struggle of Being a Number 8
Contrary to what many say about number 8, it is not always strong and powerful and wealthy and all that good stuff that is associated with it. These key words that are so easily thrown in the air about this number are at best some root words we can use to branch out into a vast and complex world and journey. Many of the 8’s I’ve known and gave readings to haven’t had an easy ride. But what I specifically mean, is that in their pursuit of personal power, they bumped into many hurdles. In fact many of them haven’t found what personal power is quite yet (even though they are all adults). To be a number 8 first and foremost means you will have to fight your way to the top.
But “the top” is not always what we imagine it to be in the west. For the 8, “the top” first of all means a sense of agency, and a concrete sense of control over their reality. They want to feel in a very real way that they are able to achieve their goals, that their words have impact on others and that they get the respect and results they desire. Thing is, the world doesn’t hand it to them as a gift. They have to fight for it. And that can be a real struggle. In fact, being an 8 carries with it an intrinsic karma of clashes and friction with life and people. Otherwise, how will they learn what real power and agency are?
Learning Through Friction
The journey of 8 is one where true strength and power have to be earned. And that’s why life places many hurdles on their path. One such hurdle can be growing up in a violent family, neighborhood or school. Sometimes it is needing to deal with bullying. It may be a parent that constantly puts them down and tramples them. But it’s not only external things. Friction also comes from within. Number 8 wants to be better then others. It is competitive. And that’s true even if they don’t say that and even if they aren’t aware of that. They have much energy in the form of anger, aggression and the wish to fight. That’s partly why karmically they attract friction and power struggles with others.
But while I’m describing a complex and somewhat challenging reality, make no mistake. This is the destiny of number 8 and the way they build their formidable presence and strength. It’s just that the path is filled with friction with others and with themselves. They don’t just accept a reality. Rather, they want to make it better. They want more. And that “more” will cost them the price of many clashes throughout life. Many of which won’t be comfortable to say the least. From a higher perspective, friction is what generates energy and eventually helps you find your unique power. It also helps you prove to yourself that you can overcome obstacles and survive great difficulties.
Number 8 doesn’t like Accepting things As They Are
What I personally found interesting about many 8’s I’ve met over the years, is how even when they are tormented by things they aren’t able to achieve, they resist the option of accepting things as they are. Even if they say they should accept things as they are, internally they don’t and won’t. In fact I’ve had cases where I offered that as a solution to their suffering and they got angry! Number 8 wants to win, not to accept! But hey – you can’t always win. That’s part of life, part of the rules of the game. And that’s where number 8 has to learn to be humble. And they of course, learn it the hard way. Sometimes in a crushing way, figuratively and literally.
That’s partly because they perceive accepting as losing. It is seen as weakness. “Only weak people accept things as they are” they may say. And if they don’t say it out-loud, they still believe it deep within. And that’s why sometimes the only way for life to humble them is to crush them so that they learn their actual place. Nobody is almighty. And part of learning real power includes this lesson. If they embrace this deep truth, it’s their unique way of finding and embracing acceptance.
Struggles with Positions of Power
Number 8 doesn’t like getting advice and will consciously or unconsciously rebel against it. This is because at their very foundation is the feeling of “I can do it!”. And perhaps also “I can do it alone!”. As you can already hopefully feel at this point, 8’s are pretty combative people. This is what makes them great athletes, competitors, sales people and fighters. But it’s also the very thing that brings struggles into their lives. But then again, they are not afraid of struggles. In a way, number 8 experiences life as a space of many powers, a hierarchy of sorts. And they are trying to find their place in this web of powers and claim a worthy spot. They like the feeling of respect and honor and will do their best to grab hold of this prize.
On the one hand the 8 looks up to those who are above them, more powerful than them. And they want to be like them or hopefully even better. At the same time, they look at people weaker than them and like to control and dominate them. As I said in the very beginning – power is a complicated topic. They want power and influence but they must learn how to use it properly. Otherwise they will live in a constant struggle and have no rest. And also create quite some collateral damage on the way.
The Question of Motive
It might sound from what’s been written so far, that the 8 is not as pure of a person. But truth is, none of us are pure until we clarify our motives and make them pure and selfless. And in that way, all numbers have a path to traverse. For number 8, it’s important to develop power and influence not for the sake of controlling of emotions, people and situations. Rather, they need to develop power and self-control in order to make things better for themselves and everyone. They are great enablers. Number 8 can achieve a lot. And when they learn to master their ability to execute power wisely, they can be great engines. They can help others become stronger, improve systems and organizations, help people overcome great obstacles, defeat incurable diseases and so on. That’s very impressive.
But it requires a pure motive. It requires overcoming themselves first and foremost. Overcoming their egotistical and self-centered need to have power for the sake of power. Once they manage to overcome that (their biggest overcoming in life), that’s when they earn the highest level of honor and respect easily and naturally. So remember: if you are a number 8, your highest destiny in life is not to overcome external obstacles only, but mainly the central culprit in your life – your ego and selfish motives. Then you will feel for the first time what real power is.
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