How Personal Years Can Help You

Personal Years

Timing techniques in numerology help us understand the lessons we are going through throughout the changing periods of our life. One of the most powerful of these techniques is the Personal Years. Knowing and working with your personal years can provide you with very powerful tools to capitalize on the opportunities that every year of your life brings. It also helps you avoid the pitfalls and be prepared for what’s to come with perspective and context.

Personal Years as your Private Weather Forecast

Every birthday from the perspective of numerology is when you move into a new personal year. A new personal years marks the dawn of a new energy, similar to the arrival of a new season. It brings about unique opportunities, a specific ambiance and potentials, and like every season, some things that are naturally less available for a period of time. In life we have four seasons, but in numerology our cycle goes through nine seasons! Or nine personal years if you will. Your personal years will always start with year number 1 and end with year number 9. Every year has a meaning, a temperament, an array of lessons that it introduces into your life, and becoming conscious of it can greatly support in using the time at hand in the best way possible.

In the same way that you want to know when to plant new seeds, just as spring is about to arrive, your personal year will tell you how to prepare yourself for the exact conditions and lessons awaiting you just around the bend. If you know it’s going to rain, you can prepare yourself by taking an umbrella. Similarly, if you know that the upcoming personal year requires putting much effort into unfinished business in close relationships, you’ll have the time to prepare yourself properly.

Learning to Go With The Flow

Your personal years represent universal tides that govern, shape and advance your life. These tides help you grow as a human being and soul. And the best way to grow is to become one with the flow of life. That’s why knowing the deeper meaning of your personal years and what they mean in terms of events, lessons, opportunities and strengths is incredibly empowering. Of course, you’d also want to know what to watch out for. For example, in winter you don’t want to walk out with shorts and a t-shirt, and you definitely don’t want to plant your beautiful garden plants and flowers. Similarly, if your personal year indicates a time requiring commitment to your work and responsibilities, you better not slack off and be complacent.

Going with the flow of your personal years is likened to driving in a stable way on your lane, on the right path, and not detouring or driving off-lane. It saves a lot of energy and guarantees that you are doing what the universe wants of you and not living in disconnection. In other words, following the codes of your personal year, is your way of staying aligned with your destiny year after year.

Personal Years – Meanings

I will now layout the meaning of the 9 personal years. Take into account that this is a brief introduction to their meaning and not an in-depth description of it. Nevertheless, it can give you a good idea of how to utilize them for your benefit. But before that, in order to calculate your personal year, all you need to do is add your birth DAY and MONTH to the last year in which you had your birthday (all reduced to single digits).

Example: if you were born on November 12th and now it is 2024, it means that at the date of writing this article, your last birthday was in 2023 (because November 2024 hasn’t yet arrived). Therefore your personal year calculation is: 11 + (1+2) + (2+0+2+3) = 11 + 3 + 7 = 21/3

In this case, 3 is your personal year. Note that you do not reduce master numbers (11, 22, 33) or karmic debts (13, 14, 16, 19) to single digits and simply add them as is (just like I did with the month November = 11.

Ok, now let’s look at the meanings.

Personal Year 1 – a time to take initiative and take action. If you have plans or visions, it’s time to make concrete steps and push them forward. It’s a time to set in motion new momentums that will serve your growth for the long future. Great time to sow seeds for the future.

Personal Years 2 – this is a time to establish a better connection to yourself. Increase your sensitivity to what’s good and nourishing for you. It’s also a wonderful time to strengthen your bonds with the ones you love. The pace is slower and right timing is your guide right now.

Personal Year 3 – it’s spring time! A wonderful time to enjoy life, enjoy yourself, enjoy self-experession and creative expression. Go out to nature, have fun, enjoy good humor and being with friends. It’s also a great time to learn new things and explore new creative ways to grow and expand.

Personal Year 4 – this is your time to plan and build for the long term. It’s all about building stable roots and strengthening the existing ones. Commit to your job, take good care of your finances and learn to take responsibility not only for today, but also for tomorrow.

Personal Year 5 – go out there and explore new connections! Network! Travel and gain new experiences. Allow yourself to reshuffle a few things about your life. It’s time for changes. Let yourself explore new opportunities, open up to new friendships and take a vacation if you didn’t do so for a while.

Personal Year 6 – it’s time to focus on your family and community. A time to give to others and develop your humanness. It’s a great time to find and invest in true love and also in becoming a parent and establishing a family. Time to heal and process emotions and become a mature human being.

Personal Year 7 – time to take inventory. Ask yourself the deeper questions of life: who am I? What is the purpose of my life? Where am I going from here? Why am I doin what I’m doing? It’s a time to meditate and get to know yourself on a whole new level. A time for soul and spiritual growth.

Personal Year 8 – it’s time to build strength and strategize your way forward. It’s your time to advance in your career and take care of any unfinished business. Take care of your health, body and money. Dare to take risks in order to expand your abilities and do not procrastinate.

Personal Year 9 – this is a time of expansion and higher perspective. It’s a time to grow in wisdom and vision for your soul journey and life. Let go of things that don’t serve you anymore and prepare yourself to sore higher on your path and into a whole new horizon of growth and fulfillment.

Now that we’ve covered all the main nine personal years, I will address shortly the special phenomenon of Master Number personal years! They are extra charged with energy. This doesn’t make them better (or worse). It’s just an energetic frequency that needs to be handled properly.

Personal Year 11/2 – a year of deeper inner growth and transformation. A time to increase the light within, and purge yourself from unconsciousness. A time for spiritual growth and maturation. This is a time of higher inspiration and fine-tunings. Time to listen to your soul deeper than before.

Personal Year 22/4 – it’s time to allow your higher self to inspire you and then take action and ground your insights in concrete ways. A time to take bigger leaps of faith in manifesting your soul’s vision. A time to connect your inner world with outer manifestation.

Personal Year 33/6 – allow yourself to give and serve in a big and universal way. Learn to forgive past hurts and make sure to heal any wounds with your family and any other person you kept a grudge for. This is a time to learn what it means to have a universal heart.

How the Cycles Work and How to Use them

Personal years always move in a linear fashion from year number 1 to year number 9. The master number years will show up in the respective years based on their single digit (11-2, 22-4, 33-6). In a sense, every year is both a standalone energy with its own energies, lessons and logic, but simultaneously, it’s also part of a process of one year leading to another. Understanding both approaches, the standalone and being part of a process, makes for the most complete way of approaching your personal years. The interpretation of the personal year starts by understanding its meaning. But there’s much more to it that can only be discovered in a professional Numerology Reading.

Personal years affect your entire chart and affect you in very specific ways based on your unique numerical constitution. Moreover, some years are more meaningful than others for each individual based on their numerology chart. Such insights can be gleaned and shared in a professional setting. This is what I call a Yearly Forecast. Having said that, don’t let that stop you from exploring and making a conscious effort to align with your personal years.


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