2019 – Numerological Yearly Forecast


In the following article, like in every New Year, I will present my own forecast of the energies, trends and potentials of the year 2019. This forecast is based on the profound knowledge of Numerology. The Transition into 2019 2018 has been an intense year. This fits very well the frequency of 11/2 (2+0+1+8 = 11/2), a master number that …

Hidden Strength – How to find it in Your Numbers


Your core numbers in numerology point to your deepest lessons and major capacities in this lifetime. These are the numbers you should follow when it concerns your Path. However, to fulfill your path, very often complimentary strength is needed that isn’t found in your core numbers. In this blog post I’ll show you how to find your Hidden Strengths, that …

Decision Making – 2 steps to make sure your decisions are aligned with your Soul

Decision Making

In this blog post I’ll attempt to give you a couple of simple tools, rooted in Numerology, that will help you know how to optimize the process of decision making and make sure it’s aligned with your deepest Soul’s Path. Why decision making is important and how can numerology help Every day of our life we make decisions, big or …

Kundalini – The Spiritual Purifier

 Spirituality is by definition – Life Changing Once the Kundalini is awakened in oneself a profound process of Spiritual Unfoldment and deep Purification and Refining starts taking place. In our times there is the fantastic advantage of access to teachers, books and seminars about Spirituality. But there’s also a big problem the authentic Lover of Truth faces: how to discriminate …

The Guru Influence and Thinking for Oneself

Guru influence

Having a mind of Your Own I’ve been on the spiritual path for about 16 years. In this time span I’ve spent 13 years with Enlightened teachers: 2 years with a non-living teacher and 11 years with a direct living teacher. I deeply believe that contact with an authentic deeply Self-Realized being is of immense significance and value for one’s …

2018 Numerological Yearly Forecast

2018 – a time for taking a Clear Stance Now that 2017 is over and we’re entering the new year of 2018, it’s a good time to prepare ourselves for the energies and fine-tuning that is coming. Many things have happened in 2017, from Trump, to Refugee issues, to terror attacks, lots of uncertainty, but also many good and positive …

What does it mean to be spiritual?

Are you spiritual? What does it mean to be spiritual? Does it mean to be telepathic, see angels, read auras? Or maybe it means practicing lots of meditation and chanting sacred mantras in Sanskrit? Perhaps it is wearing loose clothes and having either long or shaved hair…or perhaps giving long hugs and long eye gazes? Many people consider themselves spiritual …

Pope Francis – Numerology Analysis

Pope Francis – the Pope with the innocent Heart I guess that those of us who saw and heard about Pope Francis, can agree that he’s a unique pope. There’s something about him that is truly innocent, pure-hearted and full of genuine compassion. He’s also very known for his sense of humor! The pope doesn’t live in the papal apartments …

The Holy Spirit – Opening to the Sacred

Holy Spirit - Opening to the Sacred

The descent of Holy Spirit One of the important facets of Spiritual Awakening is the descent of the Holy Spirit. Although I have no religious or Christian background, these two words: Holy-Spirit manage to capture the true essence of a really sacred event in one’s spiritual unfoldment. It is a distinct experience of a descent through one’s Crown Chakra of …

The Challenge of Spiritual Awakening

The challenge of Authentic Spiritual Growth and transformation Books and YouTube videos often describe how beautiful Spiritual Awakening and enlightenment are.The freedom, bliss, unending happiness and silence – it all sounds so promising. However, the journey of awakening and enlightenment although definitely full of beauty and definitely promising is actually an arduous journey. It is a real transformation of who we thought …