Much of your anxiety isn’t at all caused by what you think you are afraid of. Rather it is caused by the fact that you believe that what you’re experiencing isn’t normal. You believe it’s outside the range of what is “allowed” or “accepted” as an OK experience to have. This exclusion of part of your experience and its tagging …
Joe Biden – Numerology Analysis
Image taken from: Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons The 46th President of the United States has been elected: Joe Biden. In this article we will go deep into a numerological analysis of Biden’s character, strengths, potentials and personal challenges. Let us see how numerology gives us a revealing insight …
Karmic Debt Numbers
Numbers are not only pointers about your current lifetime. And as a matter of fact there are specifically four numbers that have to do directly with unfinished business from previous lifetimes. These are the Karmic Debt Numbers. These numbers present a unique lesson and challenge for you to learn and balance. And while all numbers have both light and shadow, …
Inner Clarity – Rising into the Light
Most of humanity lives under thick clouds of fog and confusion, unable to see reality clearly. These clouds obscure the pure and beautiful nature of reality that is experienced as inner clarity. The vast majority of people on earth will never taste even once in their lifetime the sublime taste of the Light of clarity. But for the lover of …
Higher Consciousness and Inner Transformation
What seems very limiting on a surface level of our everyday consciousness: stuckness, self-doubt, low self-esteem, depression, anxiety, even traumas – is experienced as a positive opportunity from the perspective of Higher Consciousness. Limitations exist only on lower states of consciousness and disappear the higher we move on the ladder of consciousness. The Freedom of Higher Consciousness We are used …
Number Meanings: 1-9
Without knowing the deeper meaning of each number, you will miss most of the secrets numerology has to offer to you. Every number is a vast world. As a matter of fact, I could write a few articles about each and every one of them. I will reserve this though to my Self-Study Numerology Course. For now, I’d like to …
Numerology and the Chakra System
Many of you reading this article have probably heard about the chakra system. If you haven’t, please read more right here. In this article I’m going to show you yet another deep and revealing dimension of the numbers. We’re going to explore the connection between the numbers 1 to 9 and the 7 chakras. The Chakra System meets Numbers The …
Health Issues Detection Through Numerology
If there’s one subject that is so central to our well-being it is definitely health. At one point or another, we all deal with health issues. Some of us deal with them already from an early age, others later on in life. Some people constantly seem to struggle with their health while others have it easier. In this article let …
Trauma Detection through Numerology
Almost every living human being experiences some kind of trauma throughout their life, from very small to very big. These traumas shape our life, behavior and feelings and if they happen early on in life, they are an enormous shaping force. It therefore only makes sense that we should be able to spot them through numerology and help any person …
Bright Presence – Your Real ‘I’
The closest feeling to you, the most intimate feeling, is your sense or ‘I’. There’s no one moment where you feel as if you are not. You exist and that’s a fact. However without noticing what that ‘I’ is, you’re missing the treasure that’s always there with you. Your ‘I’ is not merely a concept, a thought in your brain, …