27/9 – My Favorite Number


I must confess, even before I started studying numerology, for whatever mysterious reason, number 27 was my favorite number. Back then I didn’t know why. Today as a professional numerologist I know the number 27/9 (27 = 2+7 = 9) and its amazing meaning and power. And guess what – after I started studying numerology I discovered that 27/9 is my Hands Number (Expression Number)! Let’s dive into this marvelous number.

27/9 – The Spiritual Altruistic Leader/Teacher

Numerology is an ever evolving system and as such the deepening revelations about numbers never cease to surprise. The 9 especially when derived from 27 is one of the most impressive numbers of all. It is truly a pure hearted, idealistic, wise and benevolent teacher and leader. It combines all of the most spiritual numbers: 2, 7 and 9. This is a classic number of the wise old man, the one you go to in order to gain enlightening perspective about life’s deepest matters.

Out of all 9’s the 27/9 is perhaps the most service oriented. It’s truly here to serve and be for the benefit of all. It is a born Boddhisatva (one who reaches deep spiritual attainments and incarnates again to help his human brothers and sisters attain Enlightenment). It’s the true spiritual leader because it is the true spiritual servant. It doesn’t try to lead by force, but because it wants the best of all, it becomes inevitably a leader.

Spiritual Greatness and Beauty

The 27/9 as mentioned earlier is made of the numbers 2,7 and 9. Let us examine this closer. The 2 is highly intuitive and cares deeply for people. It is receptive and transparent. It is by nature more selfless. The 7 is the most profound and deep number. It sees through everything to the very core. A pure number of wisdom and truth. The 7 sees into the essence of things and reveals their true structure and motivation. The 9 is the vastest number, representing the bird’s view. It is the number of completion, wisdom and compassion.

Number 9 alone can also become martial and fanatic when it’s overly idealistic, but not so with the 27/9. Since the 2 stands solid as the tens number (27) it gives the 9 the extra softness and profound consideration and gentleness. This makes it a true considerate wise one. Even if it sees something as deeply true it will attempt to touch people’s hearts but without forcefulness.

Ultimate Wisdom and Spiritual Attainment

Let’s take a look at the 7 that supports the 9. In numerology the combination of the 7 and 9 is a truly archetypal representation of the sage, the wise one. And again, the 27/9 contains it all! Number 7 appearing in the ones number (27) gives this extra depth to the 9. It attracts the 9 deeper into matters of wisdom and spiritual completion. The 7 and 9 are also two numbers that represent final spiritual attainment. This means that often people with strong 27/9 in their chart have come to this lifetime with a purpose to make a significant spiritual leap.

The 2 and 7 are both highly intuitive number which adds much power and inspiration to the 9. The 9 by nature is a visionary, a dreamer and a true believer in the good and a better future. Number 9 has high perspective and sees the bigger picture. But with the 2 and 7 by its side it can also see the details and not forget the personal aspect of things. The 2 and 7 being slower and more patient numbers by nature, balance the 9’s tendency to fly high and fast. They give it more patience and balance its sometimes ungrounded nature.

Everything Is Possible

One of the deepest knowings of the 27/9 is that everything is possible. There is no dead-end. Even when everything seems lost, it’ll find a way out of the darkness. It’s a number of great light. It can overcome situations that seem hopeless. It knows how to open a heart that seems to forever remain protected and closed. The 27/9 knows how to reach and touch the souls and hearts of people. People with strong and active 27/9’s in their chart will often be those people you’ll remember because they somehow changed your life. They managed to uplift you and show you the light when you most disbelieved yourself.

The Beautiful Karma of the 27/9

If the 27/9 appears in one of your major three locations in your chart – Heart, Hands or Head numbers (Life Path, Expression or Soul Urge), you won’t be able to escape your destiny as a servant of your human brothers and sisters. Your karma is that of service. Selfless service to be more accurate. You have come here to be like a shining sun for the benefit of all. You are here to give all your heart to the upliftment and enlightenment of all. Over time your heart is meant to shift from a personal to a universal heart.

As a 27/9 remember that true greatness is rooted in purity of heart and humble universal service. To be the greatest you have to be the lowest – just like the ocean, to which all rivers flow. Martin Luther King was a wonderful example of the 27/9. And guess what – he had this number in his Head number (Soul Urge)!


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Comments 42

  1. I am a 27/9 soul urge. I am currently living with a husband who is ver controlling and unfaithful. I have been keeping an eye on this special house that’s been on the market for a long time. It’s not lavish by any means – needs some TLC but it’s a number 7 overlooking the river. I have stayed there as it’s rented out as a holiday let. I don’t know why but I have a huge pull to live there (without my husband) & get back to doing healing work. I just have to figure out how I’m going to get the money as I’m a pensioner. I’m just putting it out there to the universe. I’ll let you know when it all comes together. Loved reading your words. Thank you very much.

    1. Post

      Trusting the universe as a 27/9 soul urge is important. I wish you the best of luck with finding your way.

    2. Now that it is 2022 I hope you are now living happily in that lovely number 7 overlooking the river

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      1. Hi
        Great article, thank you for so many information.
        I’m 27/9 too
        My birth date od 11.02.1985 can you tell me about 11 on my day of birth, this od 2 od 11 ?

        1. Post

          Dear Dorothy, I’m happy to hear this article resonated with you!
          If you want to know more about your numerology chart, you are most welcome
          to book a numerology reading with me 🙂

  2. Thank you Tom. I am also a 27/9 with Soul Surge of 7. It is all so interesting and wonder how all people will play a roll in the new, enlightened world that is emerging. An exciting time to be alive. With pure foods, good water, sunshine and all I feel that our minds will be opened to our life paths. Lots interfering with our God given birthright in this current playing field. Soon!🥰

    1. Post

      Dear Lorna, I too have a 7-9 combination in my core numbers. These two form what I like to call the “Wise Old Wo/Man”.

  3. Im a 27/9 with the soul urge of 9 and life path, personality, expresion and birthday number of 7 so it seems like 27/9 is truly my core this article was very learning and interesting

    1. Post

      I’m glad it was interesting for you! I too have a 9-7 combination in my core numbers. It’s a deep combo and revolves around attainment of Wisdom.

  4. Hi. My youngest son is a life path 27/9. He’s a very strong willed, but sensitive and creative child with a keen eye for color and design. He loves traveling and being outdoors. How can I cultivate his natural persona to shine as he grows older? Thank you for these wise words.

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      Dear Melanie, what you’re describing is a beautiful example of the 27/9 character. There’s something very open about them. In a numerology reading I’ll be able to tell you how to support your son further. Love

  5. Awesome article… I’ve been going through a pretty accelerated awakening over the past several months. Pretty much healed mental health and addiction issues through reading about psychology as well as some Buddhist teachings. Also the Wim Hof method was very impactful for me.
    With my birthday 7/11/1998, some numerology readings have been super telling of my life experiences.
    That said- we should be eating insects to save the Earth.

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  6. Hey y’all I’m a 27/9 life path and I’m wondering what’s the piece of advice I should embody for greatness. Achieve spiritual attainment ? Trust the universe? What should I do?

    1. Post

      Dear Chris, this is a very big question, that requires more that one sentence or even paragraph to answer.
      If and when you feel called to, you can book a numerology reading with me and we’ll talk about
      it in-depth.

  7. Hello, I am 27/9. Since childhood I have felt like I do not fit anywhere. Ethernal loner and pilgrim. When I was 7 I realized I am going to die one day and I cried. That creepy thought came out out of blue. I was always much more mature than the others. Adults told me I am serious and well mannered. Now I am 30 years old and I still haven’t figure it out what I want out of life. It really make me anxious and worried at times I feel like my whole life is going to be like that. Endless pilgrimage.

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      Dear Stan, from what you share, this doesn’t sound like the effect of the 27/9 alone but of a combination of numbers. A numerology reading could clarify that.

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  8. Thank you for your article. It was more optimistic than some of the others I have read that explain the life path 27/9. I have read that this life path contains a lot of loss and trauma until you ‘really understand the purpose’. I feel discouraged, because my life has been full of trauma. I am a psychologist and spend my time helping others, but feel I am burnt out, and must not have gained the understanding yet. Any positive thoughts??

    1. Post

      Dear Caroline, every number has its path which contains both light and shadow. We must go through the shadow to understand the light. It is true that the 27/9 path can include losses and goodbyes that are painful, but who said that isn’t exactly what makes the 27/9 so beautiful and with such a big heart?

  9. Thank you for this. My nephew just helped me know my life path number I am 27/9 myself. Much resonates with me and explains the was I attract people to me. I always have. I do see the picture yet the details. In grad school one professor asked me to speak more because of this. She thought my thought process might help others. I have learned just recently to turn off the empathetic and sensitivity towards knowing others thoughts and feelings. It can get heavy at time. In the last two years more opening has occurred due to a huge lose of a loved one. Thank you for this insightful article.

    1. Post

      Dear Rhonda, I’m happy this article was helpful for you. Indeed 27/9 has a wonderful gift with speech. Loss and letting go is part of the path of the 27/9. I wish you a further beautiful path of self growth!

  10. Wonderful, uplifting 27/9 article – Thank you!
    I am a 9 (day/month/year) personality 18/9; Life Path 27/9. Pinnacles all 9 and Challenges all 0;
    If I can be of any advice to the above through my own journey, here’s my briefest synopsis.
    I’ve always allowed the ‘chips to fall’ as the universe sees fit; connected to through others external to Me. Those external to Me ultimately are the catalyst in my inner knowing when ‘times-up’ with a life situation. I know in actuality it was Me who was the universe > My inner guide directs my universe before I am ready to accept and move to my next phase of learning. Only know, more equipped with the wisdom of my recent/now-past, to use for knowledgeable decisions forward. I Turned 40 this yr and I can say now, that each year I grow but it’s usually a 2 steps back way. It’s such an individual process, that ultimately lies within your acknowledgment of ego-driven insecurities (for me, self worth) that hold us still. Once we release these, we are open to our life’s path of selfless service – We can’t be out of harmony with those we are here to help heal !
    I’m still working on this one, being highly sensitive makes this a very hard bridge to cross but I know I’ll get there at some point, as long as I remain focused on myself healing, liberation will follow 💗

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  11. thanks for the article very insightful, does it have a strong affect as an birthday number like the life path and etc ?

    1. Post

      Dear Brayan, the birthday number doesn’t have the same central effect like the life path, expression or soul urge numbers. These central calculations define the very way you understand and experience life. The birthday number is a powerful inborn ability, talent if you will, that adds a certain power and color to your chart. It is powerful in its own way and oftentimes very noticeable.

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  12. Just found this beautiful article. And resonate completely with it. One thing with a 27/9 lifepath that I have found is that sometimes 27/9 will encounter immense suffering and grief in this lifetime. At 51 years old now I can see that this has brought me to know true compassion. It has taken half a century to understand finally that I am indeed here to be of service to humanity in a humble and completely altruistic way. It has been a very difficult lifepath but one that now can offer love, compassion, and service to others. Truly it requires in it’s highest form to align with the Higher Self and forego personal satisfaction to be a beacon and channel for the Divine. It has been no small task, and like a few of you have said, it has been an intensely lonely feeling where you don’t really feel like you belong anywhere sometimes. But you have the greatest gift to give to humanity and this is the purpose of your lifetime here. There will be many who will not tell you the impact that your compassion and love have brought to them, and yet you have. It also seems to be a lifetime of self validation, as those around you will often times not appear to validate you. This is because they do not understand you. And you will want to give up, over and over. But let the Universe heal your heart, ask the Universe to heal your heart, and be proud of the courage you had to come here and help in this way. One has to know suffering to learn compassion firstly. You are the true beacons of light. It does transform into light more and more as you get older, and life becomes much more beautiful… never give up. Love from my heart to all of you here who have this lifepath number.

    1. Post

      Dear Lua,
      Thank you for your beautiful sharing of your experience being a 27/9 life path.
      I agree with you about the deep suffering and grief a 27/9 has to go through, and also
      about deep suffering as a precursor to true compassion. With great light comes
      great responsibility, truthfulness, honesty and humbleness…otherwise it all turns
      into self-aggrandizement. May you keep refining and flowering on your path!

  13. Thank you Tom. Great read.
    I’m also a 27/9. B. 06.21.1962. Here to serve and live in peace and truth.

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  14. Thank you for this article, it really helped me settle some turbulence in my soul and remember my calling. What do you mean, “to be the greatest you have to be the lowest”?

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      Dear Nichole, I’m happy my post was able to provide some perspective and solace. Think of the ocean…all rivers and seas flow to the ocean. The ocean is the biggest body of water, but in order for all water bodies to flow to it, it has to be the lowest. Those who serve all are in a way like the ocean. The lowest and biggest.

  15. I was born on September 27 so my favorite number has always been 927. Almost every single day when I’m going through my morning routine I happen to glance at the clock when it’s 9:27 and again when I’m putting my kids to bed and checking the time I almost always manage to glance at the clock at 9:27. It happens so frequently, almost daily, it’s very noticeable and every time I happen to check the time and see 9:27 it makes me feel like I’m experiencing a synchronicity and I feel like I’m on the right path. I’ve never been into numerology but coming across this article peaked my interest. Is there anything you can tell me about myself that may connect with my 9/27 birthday? Thanks!

    1. Post

      Dear Lacey, I’m happy to tell you more about yourself in a numerology consultation. You can book one via my website. Blessings

  16. Thank you for your wonderful overview of (myself) and so many others. Your insights are heartwarming and full of wonder. I was born on 3 27 1959. I have been into numerology for years through (Saint Julien) Idyllwild California. That said, I moved to Sedona many years ago strictly for metaphysical reasons, Sedona was the pinnacle of spiritual enlightenment at the time, now I live in Santa Fe (considered a spiritual sister of Sedona). I truly understand the universe is numbers, I see the 27 all the time, on digital clocks, etc., I know this is not happenstance, but my spirit guide saying, ‘I’m here, you have a path, you are a part of something so much more than your present incarnation’. We also go through cycles of life, where doors are opened for us, and many times great change. I am at the last cycle of my life now. In closing I was fortunate enough to meet my husband of 30 years who is also very metaphysical! Again thanks, great read, will peruse it again and again!

    1. Post

      Dear Randy, I’m glad this article found you and that it hit the right spot for you! May this journey keep unfolding in wondrous and blessed ways for you!

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