Relationship Reading

love-1731755_640Relationship reading

This reading is designed as a form of relationship consultation according to the wisdom of
numerology. You can either do it alone or with your partner. This reading is not limited only
to romantic partners but to any kind of relationship: parent-child, between siblings, between
friends etc.

This reading sheds light on your unique dynamics, it’s potentials, it’s challenges and the keys
for it’s flowering.

In this reading you are welcome to ask specific questions. For example:

  • How can my partner and I get more intimate? I feel we’ve been withdrawn for quite a while.
  • Why do we keep having these fights constantly?
  • My child doesn’t respect or listen to me. Why does it happen? How can I solve this?couple-863456_640
  • My friend and I want to open a business together and want to know if we’re fit to do this together?

Relationships readings can help clarify many patterns that occur in relationships that without the proper guidance can become a sabotaging factor to the relationship in the long run. The readings also explain the spiritual and karmic sides of relationships. This way even great challenges can often be seen as gifts in disguise that you just need to have the right context to deal with them correctly and with love and patience.

Price: 90€ for 1-hour session / 75€ if you’re a student, supported by the state or experience financial difficulties.

Click here to pay with PayPal.

  • Sessions take place via Skype or by person.
  • Skype Numerology Readings are recorded as an MP3 file and are sent to you after the
    reading so you can listen to them again whenever you want!
  • Payment for Skype sessions should be done prior to the session via Bank Transfer or PayPal.