Sacred Spiritual Gatherings
If you wish to go deeper into the discovery of the Living Truth, Freedom and Wisdom of your Being, these spiritual gatherings, guided by Tom are an invitation to dive deeper with a group of dedicated lovers of Truth.
Every Wednesday evening a Sangha meeting is held. In these sacred meetings, Tom gives Satsang and allows space for wise discussion and answers questions of students and practitioners. The intention of these sacred gatherings is to awaken into your True Timeless Nature and develop all-encompassing Wisdom to live as a Mature Soul and Human Being.
Please make sure to keep yourself updated about the weekly meetings on Wednesdays as
sometimes there are cancellations.
The Sangha gathering is divided into 4 parts:
• Wisdom talk (Satsang).
• Guided Meditation
• Questions and Sharing (with tea).
• Heart Opening Music & Singing (occasional).
Cost: Donation based (recommended donation is a minimum of 5-10€).
*** Please arrive 10 minutes earlier ***
Everyone is invited, no experience required.
To read more, see the time, place and register click here.